No. Subject Author Date Views
14 1999. Microsurgical reconstruction of partial thumb defects 관리자 2016.03.28 1327
13 1999. Vascularized joint trtansfer for hand reconstruction 관리자 2016.03.28 1379
12 1999. Classification of the first web space free flap of the foot 관리자 2016.03.28 1761
11 1999. Microsurgical reconstruction of the partial thumb defect file 관리자 2016.03.28 1887
10 1998. Effects of blood flow and venous network on the survival of the arterialized venous flap file 관리자 2016.03.28 1785
9 1998. Classification of the first web space free flap of the foot and its applications in reconstruction of the hand file 관리자 2016.03.28 2437
8 1998. Vascularized toe joint transfer to the hand 관리자 2016.03.28 2210
7 1998. Classification of the first web space free flap of foot and its various clinical utilities for hand reconstruction 관리자 2016.03.28 1833
6 1998. Simultaneous two toe-to-hand transfer for hand reconstruction file 관리자 2016.03.28 1842
5 1997. Distal thumb reconstruction with a great toe partial-nail preserving transfer technique file 관리자 2016.03.28 1637
4 1997. Staged flexor tendon reconstruction in the hand 관리자 2016.03.28 1994
3 1996. Resurfacing relatively large skin defects of the hand using arterialized venous flaps file 관리자 2016.03.28 1924
2 1996. A new repair technique for penile paraffinoma : Bilateral Scrotal flaps 관리자 2016.03.28 1691
1 1995. Resurfacing of the open wound of the hand with free arterialized venous flap 관리자 2016.03.28 1636