Theses presented

Optimizing the correction of severe postburn hand deformities by using aggressive contracture releases and fasciocutaneous free tissue transfers. PRS Journal. 2001. 1-8p


No. Subject Author Date Views
20 2016. Hamate Hook Fracture with Flexor Tendon Ruptures as a Golf Injury file 관리자 2017.01.13 2320
19 2006. Cosmetic reconstruction of distal finger absence with partial second toe transfer file 관리자 2016.03.28 2125
18 2004. A flexor digitorum longus tendon entrapment in a diaphyseal fracture of the proximal phalanx caused by crushing injury file 관리자 2016.03.28 2120
17 2016. Comparison of Postoperative Height Changes of the Second Metatarsal Among 3 Osteotomy Methods for Hallux Valgus Deformity Correction file 관리자 2017.01.13 2041
16 1997. Distal thumb reconstruction with a great toe partial-nail preserving transfer technique file 관리자 2016.03.28 2016
15 2007. A Retropspective Analysis of 154 Arterialized Venous Flaps for Hand Reconstruction: An 11-Year Experience file 관리자 2016.03.28 1917
14 2013. Anatomic Variation of the Hook of Hamate in Korea Carpal tunnel Syndrome Patients file 관리자 2016.03.28 1915
13 1998. Classification of the first web space free flap of foot and its various clinical utilities for hand reconstruction 관리자 2016.03.28 1894
12 2006. Immediate partial great toe transfer for the reconstruction of composite defects of the distal thumb file 관리자 2016.03.28 1878
11 2015. suspended and delayed replantation file 관리자 2016.03.28 1861
10 1998. Vascularized toe joint transfer to the hand 관리자 2016.03.28 1797
9 1999. Classification of the first web space free flap of the foot 관리자 2016.03.28 1658
8 1999. Vascularized joint trtansfer for hand reconstruction 관리자 2016.03.28 1641
7 1999. Microsurgical reconstruction of partial thumb defects 관리자 2016.03.28 1626
6 2019. The Thumb_A Guide to Surgical Management file 관리자 2020.08.05 936
5 2020. Arterialized Venous Flap : My Journey for Researches & Clinical Applications for 25 years 관리자 2020.08.05 928
4 2018. Repair of soft tissue defects in finger, thumb and forearm less invasive methods with similar outcomes file 관리자 2020.08.05 911
3 2017. Palmaris longus tendocutaneous arterialized venous free flap
to reconstruct the interphalangeal collateral ligament in composite defects file 관리자 2020.08.05 895
2 2017. The Fate of Chronic Burn Wounds Suspected as Marjolin’s Ulcers file 관리자 2020.08.05 882
1 2017. Microsurgical thumb repair and reconstruction file 관리자 2020.08.05 875